Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome. The kids did GREAT today. It was a pleasure meeting them. They were a little tired, but they seemed to get into the swing of things.

Looking ahead -
Math Quiz 9/11
Geography Quiz 9/10

Period 2 : Finish Rounding sheet
Period 3 : Finish Rounding sheet
Period 4 : Back side of Rounding sheet
Period 6 : Nothing

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7th Grade Mrs. Johnson

Hello and welcome to 7th grade.

Team 7-1 work closely together to assure you that you get the best education possible and enjoy getting it the best you can.

We plan for a great and successful school year, but we need your help. Us teachers can not do it alone. We need parents and students to help us acheive our goal.